Monday, September 30, 2019

(1942) Bacchus strikes again

At the eleventh hour (the tenth, to be precise) before the raise of the consumption tax/VAT, a triad of sake, this time at lower prices although not necessarily of lower quality -this is the good thing with sake. From left, Kita Akita Junmai Daiginjo (北秋田純米大吟醸) from Akita, Koshi no Kanbai Bessen Ginjo (越乃寒梅別撰吟醸) from Niigata and Saranori Junmai Daiginjo (さらなり純米大吟醸) from Kyoto. And at our drinking pace, I don't think we'll buy again sake before next year!

For anyone interested, all the sake we've tasted until now can be found in a separate Flickr album here

(For a bigger version of this picture both in color and black and white, check my "Japan Arekore" set on Flickr)