...from the station of Enoshima, the little island south of Fujisawa and west of Kamakura, to the island itself, a sign reminding you where you are. The characters read "Fujisawa, Enoshima" (藤沢 江ノ島) and the graphic shows the lighthouse Sea Candle(シーキャンドル) and the gate of the shrine dedicated to the deity Benten (弁天); the shrine isn't just the symbol of the island: essentially, the island is the shrine and is one of the most important Benten shrines in Japan (the other two are Chikubushima Jinja/竹生島神社 in Shiga and Itsukushima Jinja/厳島神社 in Hiroshima, the one also known as Miyajima/宮島).
(For a bigger version of this picture both in color and black and white, check my "Japan Arekore" set on Flickr).