Thursday, February 14, 2019

(1781) Being the day that it is...

...we did the rounds of the big department stores for which (and now for all Japanese), "St. Valentine's" means "chocolate". Here is Takashimaya...

...and here's Mitsukoshi, both in Ginza. 

And here's the chocolates I got (we have mentioned that today it's men who get chocolates): from "Chocolatei" in Niigata, a paper bag designed like an apron from an izakaya or a sake selling shop...

...a nice package with handmade washi paper...

...and the chocolates themselves (the picture really doesn't do them justice): the combination of this chocolate and the sake they contain (hence the paper bag) is excellent! Attention to detail: a bamboo toothpick to eat them like those used for sweets served in sado (茶道), the one some people also call "tea ceremony". 

(For a bigger version of these pictures both in color and black and white, check my "Japan Arekore" set on Flickr)