Wednesday, September 11, 2024

(3220) Why Mozart on a sake bottle...

Nihon_Arekore_03248_Classic_sake_Mozart_100_cl could ask. Because it is called "Classic"? Actually, it is called "Classic" because during the rice fermentation phase, the people of the Ohara Shuzo (小原酒造) brewery in Fukushima's Kitakata (喜多方) are playing two hours of Mozart's music to the rice being fermented. According to them, Mozart's music gives their sake a better flavor than the music of Beethoven or Bach which they also tried. Incidentally, because Kitakata is famous for its ramen (which are great and among my favorites), the sake is also available in a small, glass-like packaging so you can drink it while eating your ramen. Like Mozart does on the label.   

(For a bigger version of this picture both in color and black and white, check my "Japan Arekore" set on Flickr).