Friday, September 6, 2024

(3217) Like many martial arts' practitioners...


 ...I too am fond of Fudo Myo-o(不動明王), a diety that started from Indian Buddhism as "Acala" and is considered a protector of Dharma i.e. Buddha's teaching. Quite popular in several Buddhist sects and particularly in Shingon-shu (真言宗) he is liked by martial artists because he is symbolizing the calm mind that isn't perturbed by anything and that is one of the main objectives in the martial arts; no doubt that he is holding a sword also plays its part. I don't remember where I took this picture but judging from the fact that it is from 2010, he might have been the first Fudo Myo-o I saw in Japan; I think it was in Kamakura but I might be wrong. 

(For a bigger version of this picture both in color and black and white, check my "Japan Arekore" set on Flickr).