Wednesday, June 12, 2019

(1864) On a gastronomic note

Perhaps the most famous Aizu dish (Aizu in general, not just Aizu-Wakamatsu) is sauce katsudon (ソースカツ丼) which I had for the first time at the place of Atsuko's relatives' in Iwaki -as I wrote then, the difference between the katsudon  you can find in most other places is that this one isn't covered with egg but with a sauce that tastes like but isn't exactly Worcestershire sauce (hence the name). That day it was raining and we really were on our way to the station to take the train home so we got in the only place we found open (most shops are family businesses so during lunch time they close so the owners can have lunch themselves) which was somewhat special even by Japanese standards. Their katsudon wasn't at all bad, though!

(For a bigger version of these pictures both in color and black and white, check my "Japan Arekore" set on Flickr)