Wednesday, March 29, 2023

(2848) It's not by accident...


 ...that I haven't touched the subject of manhole covers in Japan: it's a whole chapter of modern Japanese culture about which photo albums have been published and all sorts of things have been written. However, I couldn't resist posting a photo of this one here in Asakusa, in a riverside alley called Sukeroku Yume Dori (助六夢通り) -- Sukeroku is the male lead of a very famous Kabuki play (which is named after him) and is shown here with the play's female lead Agemaki (揚巻). 


And here is the entrance to the alley with a large sign bearing its name, also with a picture of Sukeroku. And next to it is a cherry tree, the first of hundreds to follow as this is where Sumida Koen Park (隅田公園), one of the most famous spots for cherry blossoms in Tokyo, begins. 

(For a bigger version of these pictures both in color and black and white, check my "Japan Arekore" set on Flickr).