Tuesday, July 18, 2023

(2922) Interlude: More than just seasoning


Furikake (ふりかけ/振り掛け) are the easiest way to turn a bowl of rice into a meal: they are dried flakes with various flavors that you can sprinkle over your rice for variety. The flavor of these is wasabi (わさび), as in "the green thing that goes with sushi, cold soba noodles and very good wagyu beef" and its packing has an Ultraman (ウルトラマン) theme, Ultraman being the longer-lasting and most popular superhero that has come out of Japan's Hollywood. The combination is so unbelievably Japanese that this could be the last thing I'd need to write on this blog. But I will return tomorrow with more Osaka. 

(For a bigger version of this picture both in color and black and white, check my "Japan Arekore" set on Flickr).