Thursday, August 15, 2013

(369) Aizu in Ueno (1)

Historical Aizu, like the rest of Fukushima Prefecture is trying to stand back on its feet after the shock of March 3, 2011 and part of its restoration are advertising events all over the country. The picture is from one such event in Tokyo’s Ueno station featuring Aizu heroine, Yamamoto/Niijima Yaeko (山本/新島 八重子) whose story is being told in this year’s period drama from state broadcaster NHK, “Yae no Sakura (八重の桜) as well as various products from the area which the locals swear have passed radiation checks. Of course Yaeko is in a cute mascot version so people can take pictures with her –the giant squid above is the ubiquitous surrealistic touch.  

(For a bigger version of this picture both in color and black and white, check my "Japan Arekore" set on Flickr)