Monday, October 19, 2020

(2213) Two in one


 As a rule I don't write much about the sake we drink (for those interested to see what we have drank so far, there is as special album in Flickr about them) I had to mention these two though because they are one of those very good things that can happen to you in Japan. Every year, after summer and the season of the customary gifts called O-Chugen (お中元) to parents, older relatives, teachers and other important persons, various products remain in stock so they are repackaged differently and sold in very good prices. Here, for example, sake brewery Tama no Hikari (玉乃光) from Kyoto, founded in 1673 had put together one of its very good sake, of junmai daiginjo  (純米大吟醸)  quality with another, also a junmai daiginjo but a limited edition in a box and sold them together for 2,750 yen ($26). The first one, which we had already tried and liked (Tama no Hikari is one of our favorite brands) retails for 2,500 yen ($23.73) and the other, if it was sold separately would go for at least another 3,000 yen ($28.48). So we bought a sake we liked and for another 250 yen ($2.37) we got another one. For the record, junmai daiginjo are considered the highest quality of sake. 

(For a bigger version of this picture both in color and black and white, check my "Japan Arekore" set on Flickr).