Tuesday, September 1, 2020

(2179) In West Shinjuku...


 ...there isn't just the metropolitan government building. There is also Chuo Koen Park (中央公園), and in its northern side there is the Juniso Kumano Jinja shrine (十二社熊野神社), which belongs to one of the oldest lines of Shinto in Japan. Because of my involvement with aikido, I had a particular interest for the shrines of this line: having been born and raised in the broader area of the original Kumano shrines, the art's founder, Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) had a special relationship with them and this one was the first I visited when I first came to Japan because I was staying at a hotel almost right across the street from it. This is way, besides the picture I have here, I have made a whole album with pictures from this shrine that you can find, like always, in Flickr under the title "Shinjuku Kumano Jinja (Junisho)".