Monday, May 20, 2019

(1847) Meanwhile in Aizu-Wakamatsu...

...most people come to see the area's castle, "Tsuruga Castle" (Tsuruga-jo/鶴ヶ城) which was built initially in 1384 by feudal lord Ashina Naomori (蘆名直盛, 1323-1391) and until 1874 when it was demolished after suffering damages in the Boshing War we mentioned the other day it changed hands six times ending with the Matsudaira (松平) family from which came Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家康, 1543-1616), the founder of the dynasty that ruled Japan for over two and a half centuries. The present-day structure is from 1965 and, basically, is a museum about Aizu's samurai heritage. 

(For a bigger version of these pictures both in color and black and white, check my "Japan Arekore" set on Flickr)